As with the last post, these are photos I finally downloaded off my camera of the award that I won back in late September last year. It was from Delaware County Community College, a local community college that I went to back in 2001-2002 when I had to learn the digital end to doing the art that I do now. I went to the college for one year and learned Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Quark. I guess I was nominated for this alumni award since I've done a lot art wise in the field and my teachers whom I still talk to nominated me to get it. It was a nice night out with my parents and friends at a local casino when I officially received the award. There were five 'Rising Star' awards given out that night at the banquet. As my mother had said as we were leaving that night, "Some people go to college for four years and get no awards, you go for one year and..."
I took two pics of the award and a third one with the flash on so you can see the etched lettering on it. My friend Joe said that it looked like a crystal that should have been in the Fortress of Solitude! Haha! It is a nice award to put on the mantle. I have two now! This one and a fine art award I won from the Franklin Mint back in 2000 or so. Also I've put two press clippings that were done. One in a local press paper and one from the college's newsletter.