In honor of myself finally going back to the dentist after a long stretch without going, I'm posting some art I did mid-last year for the
American Dental Association, which was used for a brochure or two about proper brushing and flossing of your teeth. These were drawn in pencil, then scanned, and then painted in Photoshop over the pencil art. Came out looking really good. It was a quick, fast money gig I get from
Odyssey Design Group whom I do work for on the side when they need it. Fun to do and different from the normal stuff. I'll draw anything. It was a paint by number though once I settled on the color palette. I'd did all the toothbrushes first, then the lips, then the teeth, and so on till they were all done and then added some highlights to the lips and tongues. These were done big and they would get reduced down to about 2" or smaller. I did them big since I figured that they may use them for other stuff so I wanted the quality to be there in case they needed them bigger.
I bet some of you are surprised to see this kind of art come from me, some know I do all kinds of stuff, so you haven't seen anything yet...keep checking in! And for those who care, I didn't have any cavities...just a little tartar build up from the years of not going. I will be going every six months from now on just to stay on track with their care! Booyah!
Take a look at www.gripit.biz for an animated flossing clip using a Gripit Floss Holder. No more pinched fingers in your mouth.
Wow! Now that's cool! Who'da thunk it? I'd buy one of those for sure.
But I think the ADA would stick with their version with fingers actually doing it for their print ads. I'm assuming its for the reason that people don't all use this new product and they have to show the old way of doing it in the brochures in case people don't have access to the new floss holder. It's being generalized for the masses as it were...
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